CITIZEN can help you meet your declarative obligations and optimize your personal and professional tax situation.


Right from the start of your business, we will advise you on the appropriate structure, so as to adapt it to the specific features of your project and maximise its effectiveness from the outset.

In particular, we discuss with entrepreneurs: their tax status (personal income tax, corporate income tax, micro-business, VAT, etc.) and social security status (non-salaried workers, assimilated employees, tax and charges on dividends, etc.), as well as their long-term objectives.

Our expertise covers the taxation of companies and groups of companies, as well as the personal taxation of company directors.

Development & optimisation

Investments (fund-raising, capital increases, private equity, etc.), reinvestments (through a holding company, in property, in companies, in the form of investments, etc.), entry of new shareholders, protection of assets, etc: these are all complex but fundamental issues that require a sound legal framework and effective optimisation.

We take the time to discuss the legally available options with our clients, provide accurate and effective advice, and then put our recommendations into practice.

For example, we may be involved in :

  • setting up a holding company (parent-subsidiary tax regime, fiscal integration, etc.),
  • changing the tax option,
  • allowing a commercial deficit to be put to good use,
  • the conversion of a sole trader (entreprise individuelle) into a company,
  • transforming or restructuring your company (merger, universal transmission, etc.).


When it comes to internationalisation (expanding abroad, setting up a subsidiary, outsourcing an activity, relocating production or expatriating staff), companies and their directors are faced with a host of issues (tax residence, permanent establishment, the French exit tax, working/remote working abroad, social security contributions, invoicing arrangements, etc.).

Thanks to our international niche positioning, we help our private and business clients to carry out their cross-border projects securely.

We have a specific expertise in reading international tax treaties, particularly those with the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Mauritius.

Transfer of business and personal assets

We ensure that our clients’ business assets are properly transferred, whether to third-party buyers (sale of a business) or to relatives (gifts, Dutreil pact, etc.). On this occasion, we optimise the parameters of the sale, so that the company director reaps the fair rewards of his work, or reinvests them effectively in the economy (property, economic assets, etc.).

As part of our commitment to providing comprehensive tax advice, we also help our clients plan their succession and organise the transfer of their assets to their heirs in a tax-efficient manner.

— Contact our lawyer dealing with tax law matters, Maître Théo Le Flohic, Avocat Partner.