In all aspects of their profession, lawyers remain independent professionals.

Regarding the State, its administrations and jurisdictions, they do not suffer any form of subjection. They owe these administrations and jurisdictions respect and courtesy, of course; but never servility.

Between themselves, lawyers maintain a fine confraternity, but not to the extent of sacrificing the interests of their Client.

In their relationship to society at large, we believe that lawyers must always educate themselves, so that they remain shielded against conformism. In other words, they must commit to what is right; not what is fashionable.

Lawyers even maintain a certain degree of independence in their relationship with their Clients. The best advice is sometimes to advise against. To serve is not always to follow. Hence, Clients should not be surprised when their lawyer takes a step back, for example to better understand a situation, or anticipate its consequences. By doing so, he/she is actually protecting their interests.

This independence is preserved, for example, by avoiding conflicts of interest or by maintaining a relationship of trust with Clients.