Judicial proceedings  

CITIZEN represents you and defends your rights before civil courts (Judicial Court and Court of Appeal) and commercial courts (Commercial Court). 

The disputes concerned are :

  • those of civil liability and contract law, 
  • those of corporate and commercial law,
  • international disputes (foreign parties, international transactions, etc.).

We always consider the possibility of amicably resolving the dispute (negotiation, mediation, conciliation). If this fails, we evaluate with our Clients the opportunity to take legal action, based on an in-depth analysis of the facts and the law. A litigation strategy is then drawn-up, in cooperation with our Clients. During the written phase of the proceedings, great care is given to legal research and the analysis of the opposing arguments. Finally, each pleading is the subject of careful consideration and preparation, before being argued with conviction.


The firm also represents companies in domestic or international arbitration proceedings. The confidentiality of the proceedings will be preserved and your lawyer will take into account the specificities of this type of litigation (appointment of arbitrators, compliance with the arbitration rules, application of foreign law, detailed preparation of pleadings in French or English, etc.). 

Whatever the nature of its intervention, CITIZEN Law Firm will keep you informed of the progress of your case in due time.